Patient Information

Patient Information

Patient Information

Referrals Required

A referral from your GP or other health professional is required for an appointment at Honeysuckle Medicine.

What you need to bring to your appointment

When you visit our clinic, please bring the following with you.

  • Your referral, GP Management plan or team care arrangement
  • All your medication (including alternative therapies and vitamins), a list of your medications, or your webster pack.
  • Any X-rays, ultrasounds, MRI’s and CT scans you have at home
  • Any medical correspondence and lab results that you have related to your condition
  • A list of any allergies you have
  • Dressing materials if you have any at home
  • Your blood sugar record, if you keep one
  • Your blood pressure record, if you keep one

If you have a telehealth appointment

If your first consultation with A/Prof Braslins is through telehealth, he will still need the same information. Your GP or clinic staff can work with the team at Honeysuckle Medicine to assist with this

What to expect during your appointment

During your consultation, A/Prof Braslins will ask you about your symptoms, your prior and current health problems, he will review your test results and X-rays, and then he will examine you.

If required, you may be referred for additional laboratory tests, X-rays or other diagnostic  services.

We will work together with you and your referring doctor to develop a treatment plan that matches your needs.

Consultation fee

At Honeysuckle Medicine we are a bulk billing practice.

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